
Monday, May 26, 2008

Rendevous with Jeffrey Archer @ chennai

It all started thanks to my habit of reading news papers right in the morning....Ad read that Jeffrey Archer was visiting Landmark's first store in chennai on Saturday the 24th May 2008 at 7:00 PM. I had read his books before, however could not remember his best one. Did some phone calls , however it yielded no results (Dumbo friends of mine) . His all time best "Kane and Able" never stuck my mind. I called off a couple of appointments that I had planned ( Visit to beach was one) , to ensure that I was there at the correct time and did not want to miss his address.

I roped in my friend Shankar ( Birds of the same feather flock together) and agreeded to meet him at Landmark. Lord Archer was there at the appointed hour and after a brief introduction by the host , he ruled the audience. He kept the audience in laughter while he went through how he started as an author and how he became the Number 1 in Newyork times best Author list thanks to his book "Kane & Able" . His history was fascinating and the episodes of breakfast shows he did to promote his book kept the audience spell bound by the wand of his story teller skills. I had managed to capture most of his speech on my E61i (apologies on the quality) and I dont think you would have missed anything important from that I missed to capture.

After his spell bound speech , he fielded some questions for about 20 minutes , he fumed inbetween at one of the audience for revealing the story line on one of his books, however he was his usual self of mesmerizing the audience with his story teller skills.

I got a couple of books of his , for myself and another 2 copies for couple of close friend of mine as gift, It would be great to gift an autographed copy of the book rather than a copy, which would make it a priceless and a memorable gift!! I am sure she would cherish this.

Dont miss the videos below......

Part 2:

Part 1:


Preethika said...

"I got a couple of books of his , for myself and another 2 copies for couple of close friend of mine as gift, It would be great to gift an autographed copy of the book rather than a copy, which would make it a priceless and a memorable gift!! I am sure she would cherish this."


Aki said...

@ Preethi : She is a very good friend of mine and a great fan of Lord Archer

Rathna Chinnappa said...

Well ! Preethi , the She is a very very good Friend of Aki :-)

Vijay said...

Hi Akilesh...happened to see the videos...interesting and engaging!!